WPFL Past Champions & Hall of Fame

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Past Winners

Top 10 Years (Since 2008)& Weeks Since (2011)

Rank Franchise Scores Season Rank Franchise Scores Week/Year
 1  Pickle  11466   2009  1  The Hammerheads  840   03/15
 2  Muttley  11138   2012  2  The Killer Whales  840   02/20
 3  AM-FM  11122   2011  3 (T)  The Hammerheads  828   07/13
 4  The Holey One  11112   2009  3 (T)  D-Man  828   08/19
 5  The Killer Whales  11066   2012  5 (T)  Hummer  824   17/13
 6  OchoCinco  11052   2022  5 (T)  The Squash Brothers  824   15/17
 7  The Rhino  11048   2009  7  Rotter  822   15/15
 8  The Killer Whales  11036   2011  8 (T)  Koodoo  820   15/17
 9  SimpFeld14  10968   2020  8 (T)  Simpfeld14  820   15/17
 10  AM-FM  10952   2009  8 (T)  Krypton  820   02/20

Prior to the pool going on the internet there was a 200 point bonus for a perfect week. This effected both weekly and seasonal totals so we have had to start the top 10 (plus ties) again to reflect the current possibilities. For example the highest ever week in the pool was 1038 points in week 13 of the 2005 season. It is impossible to achieve that total under the current scoring system.

Worst 10 Years (Since 2021)& Weeks Since (2011)

 Rank  Franchise  Scores  Season  Rank  Franchise  Scores  Week/Year
 1  TTTMan **  7258   2023  1  Krypton  94   3/12
 2  Yung Padawan  7290   2022  2  Hummer  102   11/15
 3  Jet Picker  7468   2023  3  Hummer  106   15/18
 4  Jet Picker  7662   2022  4  Jet Picker  112   09/23
 5  Mr. Twisted  8104   2022  5 (T)  Hammerheads  120   2/15
 6  Mitchell Hole  8332   2023  5 (T)  BadassBrown  120   02/15
 7  Moe Money  8368   2023  5 (T)  Assfault  120   10/21
 8  BadassBrown  8384   2023  5 (T)  Yung Padawan  120   05/22
 9  Hummer  8560   2023  9 (T)  Rhino  130   03/22
 10  Assfault  8566   2022  9 (T)  Dr. Who  130   02/15
          9 (T)  Ochocinco  130   02/15
          9 (T)  Da Beards  130   02/15
   ** only entered picks 10 wks       9 (T)  Show Us Your TD's  130   10/19

Top 10

Past Champions of the Pickers Football League

Franchise Season Points 1st of ?
The Rhino 1984 9870  3
Moby Dicks 1985 9900  5
Ashcans 1986 9882  7
Rotters 1987 6972  12
Moby Dicks 1988 9025  15
Marios 1989 9821  20
Tarbenders 1990 1018  18
Hodgpodge 1991 10816  21
Moby Dicks 1992 10274  24
Sibel 1993 10522  28
Pigpens 1994 9818  26
Hodgpodge 1995 9966  25
Krauts 1996 10520  28
Rotters 1997 10353  28
Rotters 1998 11324  30
Cruizers 1999 10396  32
Handicapper 2000 10428  34
Sarge 2001 10152  38
Sarge 2002 10231  40
Handicapper 2003 10506  41
Hammerheads & Lucky Lou 2004 10484  47
Odds & Sods 2005 11222  48
Cruizer 2006 10076  37
Techtronic 2007 Help?  35
Sarge 2008 10524  22
Pickle 2009 11466  27
AM-FM 2010 10402  32
AM-FM 2011 11122  33
Muttley 2012 11138  37
The Rhino 2013 10738  40
The Rotter 2014 10918  44
TTTMan 2015 9960  45
The Red Dragon 2016 10782  46
D-Man 2017  10740  49
The Polecat 2018  10698  48
Cheesehead 2019  10472  52
SimpFeld14 2020  10968  47
Hogie 2021  10940  47
OchoCinco 2022  11052  51
Green Giant 2023  10778  60
TBD 2024  ???  ??

Top 10
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