The Rhinos Wallow

Week 2 2023 Season

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      The Rhino and the Rotter and our camp followers went to a baseball game in Seattle this week. While it was fun, a great park, a lovely day and a good game it was also a good reminder of why we follow football.

      I see Chris Moser has morphed into Moe Money. It is aways good to have a pseudonym - it gives you a level of deniability when you have a crappy week, and we all have that on occassion. In truth I almost expected Murrman to morph into Murr-made after his week 1 results.

      The second franchise to introduce themselves this season is Blondar The Barbarian. Logan lives in Calmar AB, the same town as the person who lured him in to the pool, Brady Bunch Apparently their children are the same ages. Logan got his nickname because of his blonde hair and working style. Logan felt it was important that we know he is a musician. I hope that does not mean that he plays the accordian. Thank you for the intro Logan and welcome to the pool!

      This week we saw the Lions I have cheered for for years. They played their hearts out and at the end of the day lost in OT. We don't always pick the team that is going to tug at our heartstrings. It would be a lot easier if the Cowboys had appealed to me.

    During the MNF game I saw and ad in which some fool broke something and some other fool offered to "Split Expenses" with him. Where can I find fool #2? I ask because nobody ever offers to "Split Expenses" when I screw up. Then the ad offered an I-pad for people who switch to the Royal Bank. Hell and damnation - I have been banking there for over 50 years and they even chain the pens down when I go into my local branch. They should "Split Expenses" on my entry fees into this pool.

The Monica Award - Assfault came close to the podium this week. Well, 10 points is pretty close, but the payoff for that is a Monica Award rather than winning a monetary reward. I would probably feel more sympathy with Scott if he did not have the same last name as one of my ex son in laws. LOL

    The POW Award - There was not a strong field for this week's POW award. It would have been a lot easier to make a choice if somebody were to leave a mediocre bottle of red plonk on my doorstep but I persevered. This week's award goes to Sassychassis, BadGasBrown, ComeOnRef, Pickle, TTTMan and XFiler2 who all picked the Seahawks to best the Lions. Well done all of you!

    The Celler Dweller - Really the surprize should not be that BadGasBrown won this weeks little loved CD award but rather that Bruce earned 388 points and only trailed "Foot Fungus" by 10. Bruce only picked 6 of 16 winners and that is guaranteed to give you a dismal week. Time to regroup.

   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - TTTTMan TTTMan did not respond to his EofH. I suspect that Frank does not approve of the team photo I chose for him but it is on him to send in something that he would approve of.

2nd (T) - OldHuskey.270 - Chris also did not respond to his email. Heck, he is retired now so he should have all the time in the world on his hands.

2nd (T) - Hogie - Terry responded to his EofH, "Well it looks like the best I can do is third place but I still want to say look out bitches, I had a bit of slip up last year but the trophy is coming to where it belongs this year. And that place is on the headboard of my bed so I can look at it every time I make the sweet love." I think you should put the trophy some place where you could view it more often Terry. I would suggest maybe your bathroom, at least then you could contemplate it once a day. I might add that Terry was wrong about "3rd place" as he ended up in a tie for second spot. That improves the winnings a little bit.

4th - Mich Fits - Marc also did not respond to his email. I don't know if the family pools their winnings at the end of the year but if that is the case he will be bringing his share to the pot.

This week I have a quote from George F. Will who wrote, Football is a mistake. It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings. Yes, OK, I agree but you can wager on it so what is the problem, other than my picks this week.

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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