The Rhinos Wallow

Week 2 2024 Season

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      I would suggest to all of you that it might be a good idea after you have saved your picks to go back and check that you have picked winners in all of the games. In a good computer program you would not be able to save your picks until you have done this but I don't think the new version ON the CBS Sports site is all that good. I have complained to them but then I am a bit of a whiner while they are the smartest guys in the room, so to speak, so they have ignored me.

     I have already made my first mistake - well, my first mistake after picking the Bungles to win in week 1. Dobies placed 4th (Tied) and I referred to him as John. My apologies Doug - I got you mixed up with Juker and we all know that you are much classier than him. Oh no... now I've upset John. Oh heck, I just can't win!

      Luckily for me I did not have to watch the MNF game. I instead spent my evening chatting to my Telus technical rep. He was a lovely man to chat with although - well, maybe I am just being picky here, but I wish he spoke English. It was remarkable timing that our lengthy conversation ended at almost the same time as the game. How fortuitous!

      By the time the TNF game ended this week Assfault looked more like asswipe! With 55 competitors - well fewer than that when you consider those who didn't enter picks - but anyway, if you take the TNF game as your top pick you either look like a hero or a goat. Pickle looked good Friday morning and those who missed their top pick (I'm including you here Grande Cerveza) had a chance to golf, fish or knit on Sunday.

      As above, when you miss your top pick you are pretty much dead for the week. That being said, there were a lot of corpses Sunday. The Crows loss accounted for 20 top picks lost on that one game. If you check out the "2024 Pool Finances" page you will see that after only two weeks there are only 19 franchises that have not missed their top pick at least once.

      I received a compliment on the picture of the horse that I am using as a placeholder this season. As the Chainman said, "Nice saddle on that!"

      Apparently the box on the bottom of my index page is not clear enough. I had a fellow, a "business consultant" phone me Wednesday. When I asked him to read the box aloud to me, "To those who are intending..." he said that cursing him out would not do any good. I tried it anyway before I hung up.

      Commenting on Zach Munt's team photo week One, "The first thing it made me think of was Todd Snider singing, "Bee, Double E, Double R, U, N, Beer Run" - look it up on You Tube. "All you need is a ten and a fiver, a car, a key and a sober driver!" From the photo it looks like that could be Zach's team song!

      As Dobies wrote "Lol - If I'm going to screw up with the save mode, this was a good week to do it" Truer words were seldom spoken.

      Do you realize how screwed up the week was... It was so messed up that the Chainman wrote to me Sunday night, "I think you made a mistake. You have Badass in first place. That is not possible." Unfortunately it is possible Doug, just as it is possible for you to place in the money two weeks in a row. Improbable, but not impossible. They say that if you gave enough monkeys a typewriter each eventually one would type out the Bible and after this I am beginning to believe that.

The Monica Award - The XFiler2 came withing two points of the prizes. Of course, if the Eagles has scored two more point he would have been it the prizes. Isn't it remarkable how close these things can be.

    The POW Award - I had written this honoring those who backed the Saint to upset the Cowboys and those who picked the Bucs over the Lions and then Monday night happened. The Chainman and Krypton were the only ones in the pool to pick the Falcons to upset the Eagles in the battle of the birds and they both did well vs the rest of the pool with this choice. Well done fellows.

    The Celler Dweller - Things are going to the dogs for Muttley! While her 38 points only trailed Hummer by two it was a long way behind BadGasBrown's 83 points. Bad Dog! Sit! Stay!


   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - BadGasBrown From worst to first - what a turnaround for Bruce. I was hoping that he would send in an email boasting about his virtues but I guess he is just too classy for that. Well, maybe his computer is broken.

2nd - Mustard Man - Yeah, well, put some Mustard on that one! He edged out Trevor Posch for 2nd spot. One point or twenty points, it's all the same.

3rd - Trevor Posch - The first time is always special. At least he doesn't have to share his winnings.

4th (T) - Chainman - This is totally unheard of. Doug wins two weeks in a row. I have never heard of this happening since he joined the pool.

4th (T)- Juker - It isn't a lot for John but it does take him out of Tin Cup contention. It is always best to ease into this winning thing anyway.

     My thought for this week, "Dear paranoid people, who check behind their shower curtains for murderers. If you do find one, what's your plan? "

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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