The Rhinos Wallow

Week 3 2023 Season

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     Remember that if you have anything to say to the rest of the pool please feel free to drop me a line. We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions, no matter how wrong and misguided they may be.

      Something to look forward to this next week.. The Broncos are playing the Bears and we are all expected to pick a winner of this game. Is it possible to pick two losers?

      A while ago Geofferson Starship wrote to me, "I usually don’t do Pick Em pools, just Head to Head leagues drafting players." I believe that is called Fantasy Football. I don't really understand that because my Fantasy Football always starts with a couple of Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, a jar of Maraschino Cherries and a can or two of aerosol whipped cream... oh, wait, that is a Football Fantasy. Apparently that is different.

      Your first goal every week is to earn at least 130 points. This can be easily achieved by getting one of your first two picks correct. The reason you want to do this is to avoid getting your name posted in the Hall Of Fame, "10 Worst Weeks" area. If that happens your ineptitude is there in print for all to see and more importantly you create work for me.

      I have yet to decide... If Blondar the Barbarian earns his way into the HOF in a negative way will I refer to his franchise as "Blondie the Librarian" or "Blunder the Hungarian". Nothing against Hungary you understand. I have visited there and loved it.

      After the week last week Mich Fits responded "I never received an email from you? I will look in my junk file maybe? Too bad, I would have loved to gloat and smear Doug and Jake.." Apparently the email was there. We may cover a lot of things in this pool Marc but you will have to check your own junk.

      Notice that last season's Wiffle Cup (Grand Cellar Dweller) award winner Yung Padawan was so disappointed with his showing that he did not return. You should be aware of how heavily the shame of a last place finish can weight on you, but please understand that we did not have him relegated. If you do not understand that reference look up soccer.

    The Green Giant sent in his intro a while ago. Steve first heard about the pool from his father in law, the Red Dragon and the was talked into joining by his brother in law, #1 Fan. This leaves him with a lot of pressure to perform. Steve grew up on a ranch outside of Chase and now lives in Kamloops. He started using the Green Giant pseudomym for pools when Farve was leading his favourite team, The Packers. His wife is taking him to the TNF game (GBP vs DET) on Sept 28th as a 50th Birthday gift. Welcome to the pool and well done you Steve! I hope you enjoy watching the Lions destroy your team.

The Monica Award - In some ways winning the Monica may be worse than the Celler Dweller award. At least with the CD you know there was no hope but when you end up 4 points from the prize pool as BadGasBrown did this week you are left pondering if a slight re-rating (flipping Seattle and Jacksonville for example) would have earned you money, accolades and adulation from the other members of the pool instead of scorn, derision and contempt. Not trying to make you feel bad Bruce. Just stating the facts.

    The POW Award - It was an easy call to give this week's much loved POW award to TTTMan for backing Arizona to upset the Cowboys. Frank was the only member in the pool to make this call and made a lot of points vs the rest of us with this call. Ten franchises had this as their top pick and the average value was over 100 points. I would also give an honourable mention to Sassychassis who was the only one in the group to pick the Colts to stampede over the Crows. Well done both of you.

    The Celler Dweller - 4th, 37th, 59th - this is where Shawn Leblanc has placed each week in the pool so far this season. This trend cannot continue, if only because there is now farther to fall. It is a bit of an oddity, the Bengals vistory ensured that this weeks winner, Muttley earned exactly twice as many points as Shawn this week.

   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - Muttley Sandra responded, "Woof woof woof. Kibble for the bowl." Maybe if you win enough Sandra you can afford to take Kneel to the vet and have him "tutored".

2nd - Athletes Foot - Kyle did not respond to his EofH. I am curious how much "Fast actin Tinactin" his winnings will buy.

3rd - FU9ers - Bob usually responds to his EofH but then he is usually winning the week when he receives one. Maybe a third place finish is a bit too pedestrain for him. Bob... if you don't want the money send it my way. Well, as Judy Tenuta used to say, "It could happen!"

4th - Jetpicker - The response Andrew sent in to his EofH read, "What a wild ride it is to be on the email of hope for a second time. This week I actually picked against the Jets by accident, and they even pulled through to make my pick for me when I picked against them. Needless to say, I recommend weighing your Jets' game highly if you want to make it to the email of hope." Let me try to understand this. Andrew screwed up his picks and won money purely by accident and he is going to accept his winnings! Where is your pride man! Really, anybody in the pool with any any self-respect would return these winnings to those who run the pool.

My quote for this week comes from George Carlin who said, "Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy." Remember that when your partner asks you what you've been doing all day Sunday. I would never lie to my wife but I always answer "yardwork" after 9 hours in front of the TV.

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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