The Rhinos Wallow

Week 4 2023 Season

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      Let me just state for the record that I do not care what Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are up to unless it effects his performance on the field. I cannot be the only one who tunes in to watch the action on the field, not what is going on in the celebrity suite.

     I must also state that as I watched the Thursday night game I kind of felt bad for the Green Giant. While I was rejoicing watching the Lions maul the Packers Steve was at the game, watching his favourite team get destroyed. In truth it is a zero sum game. One wins and the other loses. I only hope that the trip and the atmosphere and seeing Lambeau was good for him and he enjoyed his birthday.

      The second best thing for me this weekend, after the Lions victory was watching the Cowboys beat the snot out of the Patriots. My second favourite team is whoever is playing New England every week.

     Muttley wrote to me Sunday night, "What a difference a week makes" Well, isn't that the truth. Every week is like a separate pool, and I pee in the pool weekly.

      JakeDSnake wrote in, "Mitchell Hole is getting married in 3 weeks. Maybe he is too focused on his wedding and is forgetting his picks. Thanks Mitch! I need all the help I can get." All I can say is that you have to get your priorities straight Mitchell, and I never noticed that Jake needed a lot of help. The Rhino, on the other hand...

Our pool treasurer received an EofH or in Doug's case an "Email of No Hope" and he responded from Croatia, "Watching NFL in Croatia this week- in Croatian! Can’t understand a word but the play by play is monotone. They must’ve gotten trained by British “football” announcers. Don’t worry guys , the payouts won’t be in Euros this season. I was able to check the table and was excited to be in third! Then I realized that I need the jets to win to be in the running and we all know how that will go. I even got a room near the airport so l ‘m sure to hate the jets even more."

      There was a bit of an intergenerational contest going on in the pool this week. D-Man needed the Giants to win and he wrote in. "Nice to see PFL is more popular then ever, NFL rocks! Now the next thing is to beat my son (Brady Bunch) glad it’s rubbed off! And yes there’s always Hope if you're driving from Jasper to the island! Go Giants!" Well, I guess Darin must have detoured through Agassiz and bypassed Hope this week.

      When I cleaned up this page after week 3 in preparation for this week (4) I typed "The Rhino" in to the 1st place finisher area... just as a placeholder, you understand. That didn't work either. Not that I am getting desperate here but I just thought I would give it a shot. Did I maybe aim too high. Should have gone for 2nd maybe.

      I was going to give a shout out to Ken of the Three Stooges who pointed out that I had made an error in the Streak race last week. Then he sent me this cartoon and now I just want to shout at him. LOL - thanks Ken. I apologize for the error. It happens but I really appreciate that you keep an eye on me. Remember, I am worth every cent they pay me for this job.

   The Big,Bad B's named his franchise after his favourite hockey team, the Boston Bruins. Easton has used the nom de plume in hockey drafts for years. He is a busy man with two young children, who lives in Lloydminster AB/SK. He likes the Cowboys (he wrote that before they crapped the bed against Arizona) and dislikes the Eagles. Easton says he is an absolute golf nut. Can't get enough of it. He wrote, " Thanks for having me in the league and all the best to all teams this year ! Cheers !" Welcome to the pool, Easton. We hope you enjoy, just not too much at our expense.

The Monica Award - It is pretty tough when you earn 761 points and end up 4 points from the prizes. As Chris wrote to me, "Looks like I have to hope that the big apple gets stuck in the seagulls throat." By the end of the night it was apparent who choked Chris, and they didn't have feathers.

    The POW Award - This week's POW award was decided early when the Titans bested the Bengals. Beau The Dope and Mustard Man were the only franchises to pick Tennessee while the rest of us backed Cincinnati for an average of about 40+ points. That is quite a point swing. I would be remiss if I did not mention that 6 franchises picked Houston to win. Your know who you are and it was a good call also. Well done all of you!

    The Celler Dweller - I don't want to embarass the JetPicker for only earning 458 points this week. I would rather embarass Andrew for last week's response to his EofH when he wrote, "Needless to say, I recommend weighing your Jets' game highly if you want to make it to the email of hope." After he wrote this a week ago Andrew took the Chiefs (vs the Jets) for 14 points this week.

   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - Mustard Man Andrew is the first of our rookies to win a week. He has not sent in a intro but I believe that he was led into the pool by BadGasBrown. I an not quite sure if that says something good or bad about him. With 812 points and only two low ranked losses He certainly had a very good week.

2nd - Blondar The Barbarian - Logan did not respond but he certainly did not pick like Blondie the Librarian this week.

3rd - Big Head, Big Brain - Brett too did not respond. Maybe he had a headache 'cause his hat was too tight. Use your winnings to buy a "big head hat" Brett.

4th - Brady Bunch - Davis' response was, " D Man really did need the Giants to win this game and get bragging rights in the Koleman household, but just like the logo on the side of the Giants helmet NY there is always Next Year D Man"

My quote for this week comes from Woody Allen who said, "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it through not dying." Well, so far so good.

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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