The Rhinos Wallow

Week 4 2024 Season

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      I have been involved in the running of this pool in various formats since 1984. Obviously this means that I am old. I have come to realize that it is time for me to step aside. I am going to miss it as I have communicated with many a lot of nice and interesting people during all those years but this will be my last year running the pool. I am intending to continue participating in the pool but will not longer be involved in the management of it after this season ends. I hope that one of you will consider taking over. I do not feel it is necessary to have a website like I have done to manage things. I would also be willing to help anybody who takes over get organized so that the pool continues. Please contact me if you are interested.

      The Cleveland Browns made a deal with the devil when they signed Deshaun Watson to a five year 230 Million dollar contract. I read this online this week, "When asked Wednesday whether he wants more designed runs, Watson responded that he is "not a running back."" My assessment is that he is not much of a QB either these days. Of course this is not even considering his character and legal issues which would indicate to any sane person that he is not much of a man!

      I had a strange occurance this week. I received an email from Beau The Dope with this picture and the only writing in the email was the word, "Wisdom". Now I ask you, who has ever received Wisdom from Beau? While I agree with the sentiment of the caption on the photo I am a bit uneasy trusting "Wisdom" from Kneel. Do I have to send him a cheque for $10,000.00 to facilitate handling of this Wisdom

The Monica Award - They say that misery loves company. If that is true then my franchise, The Rhino and Geofferson Starship should be happy as clams. Maybe we should be but I don't think so. We ended up 1 point from the podium but close counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and atomic bombs.

    The POW Award - It was an easy call for this week's much loved POW award. BadGasBrown was the only one in the pool sharp enough to pick the Broncos to ground the Jets. New York went down like a Boeing 747. Bruce made a few points (2 to be exact) and every other contestant lost points - in 7 cases 16 points. Well done Bruce!

    The Celler Dweller - Jamaica Flava didn't have the most miserable week ever but his 51 point total was less then half of the winners. I was going to say something nasty about taking Seattle as your top pick but then I realized my "B" team took the Jets so I guess I am not in a position to critisize.

    After 4 weeks there are still 2 franchises that have yet to get their top pick correct. What I find strange is that they are not near the bottom of the standings.


   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - Squash Brothers - Erik sent in a note, "Can’t be too upset at Bruce for not picking the Broncos like I wanted him to." Well, just to quell team dissention I would point out that first by 1 point pays out the same as first by 50 points.

2nd - The Green Giant - You may have forgotten but this is our rainy champion, or reigning champion or some such thing. Is this a start of a charge to the top or a one week anomoly? Time will tell.

3rd - Juker - John sent me a nice note saying that he was hoping for the Fish to win as it would have put me in the money withoue effecting his winnings.

4th - Kiss My Ace - Karen didn't respond to here email and I am afraid I mispronounced her franchise name when I saw how the Dolphins were doing

     My thought for this week, " How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life, when the rabbit is always jumping but only lives for around two years, and the turtle that doesn't exercise at all, lives over 200 years. So, rest, chill, eat, drink and enjoy life! "
I saw a fellow on TV this week who was celebrating his 101st birthday and the interviewer asked him the secret of his longevity. He replied, "Avoid smoking, drink and wild women" then he lifted his beer and took a sip. I admire his attitude and suspect the he indulged in all three vices.

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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