The Rhinos Wallow

Week 5 2024 Season

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      I was so hoping that the Chiefs would lose MNF - the four remaining franchises with a perfect streak of 5 (and also BadGasBrown with 4) would have lost their top pick and we could all start over. I really wanted this to happen after The Chainman, who had yet to miss his top pick this season, sent me an email with Mr. T saying, "Whover bets on the Jets, I pity da fool" For any youngsters Mr T was a character in a mediocre TV show called "The A-Team" - google it.

      Of course the Chiefs did not lose. Maybe I should take them as my top pick when they play again. That will put an end to their winning streak. The result of their win is that there are now 4 franchises that have yet to miss their top pick and 2 that have not yet made their top pick correct after 5 weeks. Things are not going too well in this area this season.

      Last week I received a cruel email from Asswipe "How sweet it will be. Feeling good about MNF. I like Rindhole so I'm sticking with it." I trust that Scott was enjoying himself while he pulled the wings off flies and drowned kittens and my hopes (along with the Dolphins) sank faster than "Truth Social" shares!

      I would like to thank all those who send in kind words about my giving up this web page. One note said, "Sorry to read of your departure from management, your wit and wisdom in the Wallow will be missed."I felt so good when I read that.  I won't tell you who sent this but I have to say that some of the air went out of my balloon when Juker continued, "I was giving you a lot of leeway on the wisdom lol"

      I was so close to getting off to a great start on Thursday. One stupid penalty changed the good vibes so quickly. By the time the game ended I felt like I had been beaten like a rented mule!

The Monica Award - Share the pain fellows... The Green Giant, Assfault and Big Head all ended up 1 point from the podium. That has to be a bit painful but at least they were close to the money.

    The POW Award - It was an easy call for the POW award this week. Krypton and Jamaica Flava were the only ones in the pool silly enough to pick the imploding New York Football Giants to cross the country and thrash the surging Seattle Seahawks. This paid off well for them as they made points while 53 franchises didn't. 17 franchises even had this as their top pick. Well done fellows!

    The Celler Dweller - Rusty was not close to the money. 43 points in a week where the winner racked up over 100 is at best a mediocre week. Time to regroup


   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - Krypton - Did not respond to his email of hope!

2nd - Grampiebear - Did not respond to his email of hope!

3rd - Juker - John wrote in, "If KC wins I will have nickle and dimed my way up to recovery my entry fee. Not complaining!!!" Nothing wrong with that. A lot more happy weeks that way rather than one outburst of joy.

4th - The Rotter - Ross' response was, "I had all my picks correct going into the late afternoon yesterday. Suddenly, things went for a poop. Still have a chance for 4th place money, which will take me out of Tin Cup contention." Yeah, rub it in Ross. I had all my picks correct until the kickoff of the Thursday game. Tin Cup elimination is a good place to start

     My thought for this week, " I, too, was once a male trapped in a female body, but then my mother gave birth."

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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