The Rhinos Wallow

Week 6 2024 Season

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      Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians in the pool. For those of you south of the 49th, well, you just have to wait for a few weeks. I celebrate the holiday twice. On this, the first one, I eat too much and have a glass or two of wine, on the later one I watch the Lions and whoever else is playing and have a glass or two of wine. There seems to be a common denominater here doesn't there.

      My computer went in to the doctor for a couple of days this week so I had to use my wifes to make my picks. Apparently her computer knows a lot more about football than mine does. I suspect I will be looking for an opportunity to sneak in and use her keyboard again this week.

      Unfortunately for us we Canadians do not have the Turducken at Thanksgiving (John Madden reference for those of you new to this pool) but those in the East coast can always enjoy a hearty Clobster dinner.

      Juker wrote to me Sunday afternoon. John said, Wow! In the first 5 weeks only me and 1 other team had 2 weeks of 100 or more points. As of 4 o'clock today there are 42 teams with 100 or more points. Unbelievable. By the week ended 50 of 54 franchises that entered picks had surpassed the 100 point barrier. Some days things just go according to plan, but don't count on that happening very often!

      I received a couple of emails after my musing about whether I would be better sharing 1st place with 6 others or 3rd/4th. Muttley wrote, "Well I am not in the mix but perfect week would be my choice. I'm woofing for you....." I replied that I thought I would prefer the glory because the groupies that would be after me would more than make up for any monetary loss. That quietened Sandra. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for me, the groupies got lost on their way to my place.

     Juker also suggested, "Take the money Rick and rejoice on the Lions ASS KICKING " Yes - Happy Birthday Jerry Jones! I suspect the Lions remembered the week 17 game last year when they lost to Dallas by 1 point after a penalty for a lineman supposedly not reporting as eligible.

      On receiving the Email of Hope D-Man responded to me this week, "Comes down to my last pick of the week of course! I think it will be a low scoring game. See what Aaron & his team can do! Call me Jet Picker jr this week.Go Jets!" Well, Junior got grounded this week!

The Monica Award - What a tough way to earn the Monica. The Green Giant missed one 3 point game and ends up on the outside looking at the group on the podium. Of course he was not alone there because Wyatt Bray, The Polecat, Shifty, The Holey One and Simpfeld14 were in the same leaky boat with him.

    The POW Award - There was no upset pick worthy of consideration this week and when you achieve a perfect score you obviously deserve the POW award. This week we honour Ben Naaykens, Bighead, The Friendly Manitoban, Hurts Donut, Mr Twisted, my franchise The Rhino and the Three Stooges who were, for one week perfect. At risk of tooting my own horn - WE DONE GOOD!

    The Celler Dweller - It is pretty tough to slag a competitor who earns 89 points for the week but I am up for it. BadassBrown and Miller (High Life) looked more like BadGasBrown and some Lowlife with this weeks performance. Don't worry fellows... we are not laughing with you. We are laughing at you - this week.


   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - You have read all the names of this week's winners above. I have participate in this pool since 1984 and this is the second time I have had a perfect week. The first time I only had to share my joy with 5 other people. Things are really going downhill!

     My thought for this week, " When I lost the fingers on my right hand in a freak accident, I asked the doctor if I would still be able to write with it. He said, "probably, but I wouldn't count on it". "

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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