The Rhinos Wallow Week 9 2023 Season

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     There was a lot of diversity in the picks this week. I am writing this early but can already tell that unless Arizona or Chicago win it will be tough to find a POW candidate.

      With the aforementioned diversity 12 teams were deemed worthy of a 200 point pick, in two cases competing teams. When that happens you know somebody is going to the woodshed.

     If you check out the HOF page on this site you will see that the worst ever season in the pool since the 18 week schedule came into effect was 7290 points. It should be easy for all of us to surpass this total but I am hoping that even the most inept of us can beat the 9354 point total that would put them on to this list. It is not that I am concerned about any of you salvaging your self esteem but rather I would rather avoid the work that this would entail for me.

     We had arrived at the half way point in the season. From now on people will begin to get mathematically eliminated in the race for the streak prize. When they are out I will move their Franchise name and record to the bottom of that area of the Pool Finances page. This may make it a bit easier to read your progress... or lack thereof!

      I don't have a lot of football news this week but I friend sent me this short love song and I thought you might enjoy it!

The Rotters Report

The Passing of an Era

I am guessing that many of the people who are in this football pool are of the Baby Boomer generation (born 1946 to 1964). You have been recently witnessing the passing of many singer/song writers that you have listened to while growing up and beyond. Many of the singer/song writers that have passed are Canadian. Let’s review some of them:

Robbie Robertson died Aug. 9, 2023. Robbie co-wrote my favourite song of all time, The Weight.

Gordon Lightfoot died May 1, 2023. The song he is best remembered by, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, which he cleverly wrote in the form of a sea shanty.

Ian Tyson died Dec. 29, 2022. Mostly noted as a folk singer but he did write my favourite Country and Western song, Summer Wages, the only song I know of that is about Vancouver.

Going further back:

Leonard Cohen died Nov. 7, 2016. His song Hallelujah may be the most covered song of all time. My favourite of all his songs is Closing Time.

Stompin’ Tom Conners died Mar. 6, 2013. His most known song is Bud the Spud but I do like Sudbury Saturday Night.

I got news for you Boomers; the people listed above are not of the Baby Boomer generation. They are from the generation before. What? Is there a name for that generation? Yes, they are from the same generation as me, they are called the Silent Generation (born 1928 to 1945).

Perhaps the Silent Generation was not so silent after all.

The Email of Hope

TTTMan continues to have the lead in the Email of Hope standings with 11 EoH. The Rotters has joined Watt’s Up is in second place with 7 EoH. There are 6 Franchises tied for 4th with 6 Emails of Hope each. For those of you who wish to see the complete Email of Hope standings, please click here.

Note: the winning dollar amounts are a week behind as the winners are not known at time of writing.

The Monica Award - You cannot get any closer than Hummer did this week. Doug ended up two points from the money. That has to be painful.

    The POW Award - As most of you know the POW award is subjective. I deem that none of the picks this week were worthy of the award and since nobody was wise enough to leave a bottle of mediocre red plonk on my doorstep I think that this week's Play Of the Week award should go to TTTMan who picked the Titans for 200 points in the TNF game. I know that you may say that Frank lost but consider - he did not have to spend his weekend hoping that the Panthers or the Bears or some other bunch of ham handed fools would pull off the upset that would rescue him. No, Frank had the weekend free to mow his lawn, or shovel the driveway, or pursue romantic interests or whatever he desires without worry. Better to have your hopes crushed early rather than waiting until the end of Sunday for it to happen. Well done you!

    The Celler Dweller - The Jetpicker crash landed this week. Andrew ended up with 112 points which is the 4th worst week we have had in the pool since 2011. He did get 4 of his 14 picks correct. It is lucky that he rated the Packers for 40 points or his week could have been bad LMAO. I don't know why I am laughing - now I have to update the HOF page. I will get to that this week.

   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - Assfault - Did not respond to EofH I don't know if it was Scott or Jacky who picked this week but either way, you have a better chance of winning when you do enter thie picks.

2nd - Blondar The Barbarian - Did not respond to EofH - I expected some words of wisdom from Logan. What a disappointment. Maybe he has none.

3rd - Rotter - Ross wrote, "Things are looking good so far the Chargers. Could extend my lead overall for final standings." at halftime of MNF

4th - Kiss My Ace - Did not respond to EofH - I wonder if the grandson is back in the will after this week. I also wonder if I still my friend could still qualify for the family discount on his services.

This week my wife found a quote from Bill Murray who said. "Whatever you do always give 100 percent, unless you are donating blood." Good advice, no doubt!

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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