The Rhinos Wallow

Week 13 2023 Season

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      The race for the year end prizes has changed this week. The same franchises are in the top 5 positions but not it is the Green Giant leading trailed by Big Head, the Killer Whales, the Friendly Manitoban and The Rotter who is now outside the prize pool looking (enviously) in.

      At the bottom of the pool The Jet Picker has a stranglehold on the last spot although by not entering picks TTTMan could drop to his level if ever JP does not finish last for the weak. The next closest contender in this area is Sassychassis but she is not quite at that level of ineptitude yet.

     Beau the Dope sent in a note this week, "My quest for the coveted “Tin Cup” is still on track. I couldn’t be more enthused. B the D" Luckily for Kneel, Muttley is taking care of the family's finances. We all contribute in our own way. Some bring money to the table and others bring fame or notoriety.

      As for the Tin Cup, Beau will have to climb a long way in the standings to win that award. Kneel is currently in 48th place and D-Man who is in 9th spot is the leader in this race at this time. Of course, like all of us Darin would like to win some money and let the prestige go to some other contender.

The Rotters Report

Rock ‘N’ Roll’s Most Bizarre Song

The song in question was written in 1955 by Richard Berry (no, not our Illustrious Leader). This song is probably the most covered song by other artists, none of whom brought the song to number 1 in the charts. The group that took it closest was the Kingsmen in 1963, where they took it to No. 2. In their version, you can only discern 7 words from the whole song; “Louie, Louie, Oh Baby, We Gotta Go”. Yes, that song “Louie, Louie” . To hear their version, click here. . Can you hear any other phrases in this version?

Parents thought the song was vulgar and pornographic, so the Indiana Governor asked the FCC to investigate the song as it exported pornography across state lines. After a two and half years investigation, the FCC stopped investigating as they could not hear any pornography in the song.

The song continued to be covered by many artists and also made an appearance in numerous movies, including the 1978 movie “National Lampoon’s Animal House”. A Los Angeles radio station played the song continuously for 2 and half days. People believed there was something nefarious going on but it turned out that the station needed the time to change its presentation format.

In 1985, a Seattle late night TV show, “Almost Live!” was suffering from low ratings. Host, Ross Shafer, decided the show needed a publicity stunt to improve ratings. The gambit was to make “Louie, Louie” the Washington state song. He almost succeeded. The State Governor had to address 4,000 people on he steps of the State Capitol to explain why the song could not become the state song. A compromise was reached, declaring “Louie, Louie” as the unofficial state rock song.

The Email of Hope

There has been a change in the Email of Hope standings. The Green Giant has taken over the lead with 12 Emails. TTTMan is in second place with 10 EoH. Shawn the White is in third place with 9 Emails. There are 3 Franchises tied for 4th with 8 EofH each. They are the Rotters, Muttley and Big Fart Family. For those of you who wish to see the complete Email of Hope standings, please click here.

Note: the winning dollar amounts are a week behind as the winners are not known at time of writing.

The Monica Award - Big Head and the Polecat share this weeks Monica Lewinski, close but no cigar award, two points from the prizes. Big Head actually did OK out of this as he climbed into 2nd place overall.

    The POW Award - It has been a while since BadGasBrown collected the POW award but he certainly came close this week when he was the only contestant to pick Arizona to upset the Steelers. Bruce earned 26 points with this pick while the rest of the pool lost and average of over 80 points. Unfortunately for Bruce ComeOnRef and Mich Fits earned a few more points on average by picking the Bengals to upset the Jags on MNF so they share this week's award. Well done all of you!

    The Celler Dweller - I wondering if the Jetpicker is just toying with me. Has Andrew, having won his entry back, tanking just to create work for me at the end of the season or am I being paranoid? There is no draft position to be gained. His longshot strategy netted Andrew 178 points which is not quite low enough to make it in to the "10 Worst Weeks" section of the HOF but certainly looks dismal when the winner earned 700 points. Keep up the mediocre work Andrew.

   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - Greofferson Starship - Did not respond. Heading for the stars.

2nd - Muttley - How much Kibble does Sandra need. I just bet that Beau is looking forward to a pretty nice Christmas present. Dare to dream Kneel!

3rd - Fat Tony - Tony emailed me, "Well if the Bengals win yeah money. If the Bengals bungle so close yet so far." Well, the Bengals did not bungle and Tony is no longer in contention for the Tin Cup.

4th - The Green Giant - Added to his winnings. Having a pretty good year for a rookie and keeping some of this years prize winnings in Kamloops. That is good for the economy.

     This week's quote comes from Bum Phillips, once one of my favourite coaches, who once said, " I always thought I could coach. I just thought people were poor judges of good coaches." Ponder those words when the coach you like gets fired.

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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