The Rhinos Wallow

Week 14 2023 Season

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      At the top of the pool the Green Giant is still leading and the same franchises are in the top 6 just slightly rearranged. Everybody is hoping for an outstanding week or hoping that the others step into something stinky.

      The race for the streak prize has ended. All of the franchises that were still alive picked Miami as their top pick this week, and we all know how that ended. The Polecat who had a 1 game lead in this competition has won the $120.00 prize. Well done Harry

      Just for clarification - when I send out the EofH and list the two teams with franchises below in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th (or ties) - the two NFL teams are who you need to win in order to place in the money, not who you have picked. Apparently there was some confusion.

The Jetpicker wrote in, "What a dismal week... I think I had more drinks in Cabo this week than PFL points." to which I responded, Hope you successfully detox. Damn good thing you did not score more PFL points or you may have had alcohol poisoning!

      I cannot be the only one who was amused to see that on a week where the Jets pulled off one of the biggest upsets the JetPicker picked the Texans for 16 points. Of course it is difficult to argue with his strategy when you see the results

      The funniest thing I read this week in reference to the Carolina Panthers being the first NFL team to be eliminated from playoff contention this season, I hate to say this Panthers fans, but it feels like your team is a year away from being four years away.

      Looking ahead The Rotter and I noticed that week 17 there is no MNF game as that would be on New Years Day and would interfere with Bowling season. You know, Rose Bowl, Sun Bowl, Fiesta Bowl etc. The means that it will not be practical to send out an EofH with two games to play so the last official EofH will be on Week 16. I will probably put out an note before the Sunday night game that week with possible winners but Ross will have already tabulated the EofH finals prior to that. I trust that is satisfactory.

The Rotters Report


In case anyone has missed this, “GOAT” stands for the “Greatest Of All Time”. I would like to make the case for Canada’s Greatest Athlete of All Time. Am I talking about basketball player, Steve Nash? No. Am I talking about hockey player, Wayne Gretzky? No. I would like to make the case for soccer player, Christine Sinclair.

Her accomplishments:
94 appearances with US College team, the Portland Pilots, 110 goals and 2 Division One Championships.
180 appearances with 5 different Women’s Professional soccer teams, 180 goals and 5 Championships.
331 international appearances with the Canadian Women’s National Soccer Team, 190 goals (a world record, men or women).
6 appearances in the FIFA Women’s World Cups, one of three players to score at 5 world cups (Marta, Brazil and Renaldo, Portugal).
3 appearances at the Olympic Games, one gold and 2 bronze medals.

Her award honours are too many to list here but here are some of them:
Order of Canada, Order of British Columbia, QE Diamond Jubilee Medal, Canada’s Walk of Fame, Canadian Soccer Player of the Year - 14 times, Lou Marsh Award (Canada’s top athlete of year) – 2012, Bobbie Rosenfeld Award (Canada’s top female athlete of the year) – twice, 2012 and 2020, and finally and perhaps the greatest honour of all, 48,000 fans came to Christine Sinclair (BC Place) Stadium to watch her final international appearance (a friendly against Australia) and to give her a well deserved send off.

I rest my case.

The Email of Hope

The Green Giant leads the Email of Hope standings with 12 Emails. TTTMan is in second place with 10 EoH. There is a three way tie for 3rd place. Shawn the White, Muttley and Jet Picker with 9 Emails each. There are 6 franchises left with no Emails of Hope. For those of you who wish to see the complete Email of Hope standings, please click here.

Note: the winning dollar amounts are a week behind as the winners are not known at time of writing.

The Monica Award - BadGasBrown and Krypton get to share the misery of this week's Monica award, 12 points from the money. Close but no cigar fellows!

    The POW Award - This week's much loved POW award was hotly contested. BadGasBrown and the JetPicker backed the Patriots, GrumpieBear and the JetPicker bet on Chicago, BadGasBrown and Classychassis picked the Jets and Dos Cervezas and FU9ers wagered on the Giants. These were all fine choices and in truth you all made it difficult to pick a POW winner this week, but in the last game of the week JetPicker and BadGasBrown were the clear cut winners of this weeks award for picking the Titans to upset the Fish. Andrew went all out and took Tenessee for 200 points. 38 franchises lost 200 points on this game so that was a tremendous swing. Well done!

    The Celler Dweller - Sassychassis is this week's CD award winner in what was truly a dismal week. She only earned 172 points but that is not quite so terrible when you consider that only 10 franchises broke the 400 point barrier.

   Without further ado, this weeks winners, and we honour and congratulate them are....

1st - JetPicker - Andrew responded to his EofH,"Glad to see I came first place again. I am going for the highest payout to lowest overall score ratio for this season." Well, I think your longshot strategy might just achieve that Andrew!

2nd - Mitchell Hole - Did not respond

3rd - Chainman - Doug wrote, " A fourth place finish winnings would almost cover the amount of beer that I'll need to forget the previous thirteen weeks of this season. All I need is two!! upsets Monday. Never underestimate the ability of the New York Jets to lay waste to your weekend. " Well, Dug, you got the two upsets and a 3rd place finish and no Tin Cup so quit your whinging!

4th - Sarge - Did not respond

      This week's quote from George Burns is pretty much spot on. He said, Too bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs and cutting hair.

       'Til next week then...

          The Rhino

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