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Welcome to the WPFL. This is an online based football pool in which you pick the winners of each NFL game every week of the season.

I will write my weekly "Wallow" column as I have done in the past. Every season I have vowed to write nothing that is not complementary and usually my good intentions last at least 20 minutes. That is my plan as the season commences and we will all soon see how it works out. All Wallow columns will also remain posted for the entire season, along with photos as long as I have enough space. This will allow you to see how accurate my predictions are.

Please explore the CBS Sportsline page as well as this page so that once the season commences you are familiar with things and comfortable. I would suggest that you write down your CBS username and password and save a copy. I would further suggest that you write down where you have saved your CBS username and password and save that in a different place. This doubles the likelyhood of your finding one or the other when your computer dies and you have to run to a friend's computer to enter your picks. I will not track winnings on the CBS site but rather on this site during the season showing the winnings for each week, the streaks and the totals.

Should you wish to have your photo (or rather, a photo of your choice) posted when you win a week or do something notable please email it to me. If not I will have to troll through Google Images to find a snapshot that pleases me.

Please feel free to send in your opinions or any NFL or pool related gossip or news that you wish to discuss and contact the Rhino should you have any questions or problems with or about the pool.

I hope you all enjoy the upcoming season.

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